1. Om fem ting i mitt rum

Jag hittade en trevlig tiodagars blogglista som jag tänkte använda mig av för att riktigt komma in i bloggandet. Tycker det är en riktigt bra idé med dessa listor om man t.ex har slut på idéer men ändå vill göra ett inlägg varje dag. I alla fall så är första punkten på listan "några saker i ditt rum", så jag valde några av mina finaste saker. Min ljusrosa kopp med Mumin och Snorkfröken, två elefanter, ett kaninsudd och min underbara rosa kamera från Konica Pop som jag hittade på en loppis till ett mycket bra pris (!!) Eftersom jag ej har filmrulle så kan man inte fota med den, sedan kan man inte se bilderna förrän efter men den är så charmig och perfekt prydnad i mitt rum. 


söt kamera :)

Svar: Tack, hihi.

2013-09-08 @ 11:23:05
URL: http://fatmas.blogg.se/
♣ Ida - Hon som föddes med LKG

exakt en sån muminmugg har jag också :)

Svar: Åh den är så fin. Själv har jag tre muminmuggar men jag vill ha fler. :)

2013-09-08 @ 14:56:16
URL: http://idahtt.blogg.se
♣ Ida - Hon som föddes med LKG

sv: jag har 2-3 egna, en av dom är en vinterutgåva som inte finns kvar att köpa i butik och sen har mina systrar en del också :)

Svar: Åh.

2013-09-08 @ 14:58:32
URL: http://idahtt.blogg.se

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п»їLet me tell you one very important thing,
If you’d asked me about penis enlargement a few months ago. I wouldn’t reacted well to that at all. This was because I was frustrated with my small 4.8 inches penis and I have tried almost every method (pills, extenders, pumps, creams, patches, oils etc) out there with no result. The only method that I didn’t try thankfully was surgery.
Ask me about penis enlargement now, I am very much positive and happy to reply! Within just 6 months my view towards penis enlargement took sharp turn.
So, what happened within 6 months?
My penis grew 2.3 inches straight from small 4.8 inches to long 7.1 inches. This is all thank to John Collins for his wonderful penis enlargement guide “Penis Enlargement Bible (aka PE Bible)”
Now, I know many of you are saying, “Oh no, not another ‘penis enlargement in days’ program”. Honestly, I thought the same thing. Rest assured, this is not the case. It is not a quick fix or re-trashed work from the past.
Penis Enlargement Bible is the unique two-step biochemical method to increase penis size. The methods and techniques provided inside PE Bible are exclusives to this guide. This two-step biochemical method involves low cost off the shelves natural supplements and specifically designed exercise program. Some users gained an inch in as little as 7 days by using this system.
Watch the below video in which some users talked about this program. Rest assured these are real customers and there is very few penis enlargement programs that contain testimonials from real customers. *By clicking above video you will be taken to new page where you have to scroll down little to watch this video. However, you can also read full review on Penis Enlargement Bible .
I know you get disappointed every time you see your penis size. You want your penis to grow but it is not growing even you passed out puberty period. You are desperate to make your penis bigger and ready to do anything but you don’t want to hurt your penis. Pills, extenders and surgery are all too expensive for your pocket and you know they can hurt your penis and health as well.
You keep on searching on internet for what is the solution for small penis? How to Get a Bigger Penis? How to Make Your Dick Bigger? But you keep on getting advertisements for penis enlargement pills, extenders, pumps, weights, exercise DVDs etc.
Let me tell you one simple thing,
I was not born with bigger penis. My penis was hardly 4.8 inches when I sleep with my first girlfriend (which was worst experience for me) and after that I finally take decision to increase my penis size. And I PROMISED myself that I will never date any girl until I get 7 inches penis.
So, I start browsing on internet for how to make your dick bigger and after two or so months I decided to start with penis exercises. I decided to use penis exercises for couple of reasons. First of all, they are safe as I am on full control of my penis. Secondly, they are free and most importantly they deliver results as I read in many forums.
So, I told you my story not to make you jealous instead I am your friend I want you to succeed. I am having 7.1 inches penis at the time of writing this and believe me it feels so great when you have bigger penis than average size.
But before I show you penis exercises and my routine let me give you some tips on how to measure your penis.
Right Way To Measure Your Penis:
Measuring Erect Length:
Material Required: Ruler
Erect length is the most important measurement and this is where most people want to see results.
To measure your penis all you have to do is to gain erection. Try to gain erection naturally instead of gaining erection by watching adult movie. Once you have gain erection stand on floor and make your penis parallel to the floor. Put ruler on the side of the penis and make sure your penis and ruler will be parallel to each other.
Measure the tip of your pe

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2022-08-25 @ 13:48:17

DUI arrests require complete total of the very skilled tactics most used in criminal law. Defending a OVI starts by making sure not any of a persons rights on the constitution have been abused. When law enforcement is in front of you, while they are essentially the only witness all of the time, their training and procedural conduct is of the essence. We all have accidents, and the law are no no exception to the rule. It all starts when obvious suspicion which can progress to obvious cause. For example, you get pulled over for speeding at 1 a.m.. The police officer takes reasonable suspicion that aperson committed a traffic offense, racing. Now, when the cop tries to make visual communication or steps in closer to the auto, the officer will exclaim you have red eyes, or there is an smell of liquor. This raises the acceptabel intuition of abnormal driving to providing a officer probable cause that you may be driving while drunk. 80% of police will say odor of alcohol, watery ojos, or lazy talk. The officer will also insinuate you were rumaging around getting your drivers license and insurance card out. Now the person driving will be likely commanded to step out of the auto and start universal driving sobriety tests. These are SFST’s are taught under NHTSA (National Highway Traffic precautionary Administration) regulations and need to be followed per situation. If you do go through the checks, the police officer can make mistakes that will make the check, or tests disregarded from evidence. Things such as physical disabilities and the best situational conditions should be integrated into results of your test. (example: a person can’t do a walk and pivot check on uneven stret). You may usually take a digital breath tests. There are irregularities in these machines as well, after all they are devices that need to be maintained and specialized training on regularly. The arrest is taped from the instance the cop starts their lights. It is through this captured footage we are able to base an factual choice if the police performing of the tests, to the accused performance taking the checks. Whether you consent to the manipukations or not, a person usually will go to big house. If you know someone that has been arrested for Driving under the inflence or any criminal charges or know some one who needs a criminal defense Attorney check out my info rgiht here dui attorneys' best regards

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2023-01-22 @ 08:52:52

OVI arrests require most of the master tactics most used in criminal defense law. protecting a OVI begins by acknowledging not any of one's constitutional rights are abused. When law enforcement is in front of you, and they are essentially the single witnesses most of the time, the directives and MO is of the substance. We all create mis haps, and officers are no exception. It all starts when usual accusation which can lead to probable cause. An example, someone gets pulled over for speeding at 1 a.m.. The police officer has the usual suspicion that the driver committed a moving violation, swerving. then, when the then man begins to start eye communication or moves in closer to your automobile, they may remark you posess red eyes, or there is an smell of beer. This elevates the reasonable suspicion of abnormal driving to providing a cop a good idea that someone may be operating while under the influence. 80% of police will say odor of liquor, blood shot ojos, or slurred talk. Law enforcement will usually note you were fumbling about trying to get your license and insurance in your hand. At this point someone will be likely commanded to get out of the ride and start regular driving sobriety tests. Those are SFST’s are taught under NHTSA (National Highway Traffic precautionary Administration) standardizations and must be followed per situation. when you do perform the checks, the police may make mistakes which will make the check, or tests disregarded from evidence. Factors such as physical disabilities and optimal field conditions can be integrated into results of your test. (example: someone can’t perform a jump and pivot check on crooked pavement). You will also take a breathalyzer tests. There are defects in these machines also, and they are devices that need maintenance and training on every day. The incarceration is taped from the time the cop activates their sirens. It is through this taped evidence that we are able to secure an factual idea if the police giving of the tests, to the clients ability taking the checks. Whether you give an OK to the manipukations or not, someone can go to lock up. If you know someone that has been incarcerated for Driving under the inflence or any criminal charges or know some one who needs a criminal defense Lawyer visit my website rgiht here dui attorney Columbus OH best regards

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2023-05-05 @ 03:53:47

CS Source - How come everyone never gets bored

Counter Strike 1.6 is the most popular and most played multiplayer first-person-shooter till now. The game is being played in every continent of this world. Also in, every gaming club, in every PC and Laptop and even on almost Xbox machine.
Counter Strike Condition Zero:

Counter Strike CZ started as a modification of the Half-life game which had already been created in the late 90's. This first person shooter game is a tactical and strategy based FPS which tests the cognitive ability and responsive skills of the player. Valve LLC took the reins of developing this FPS in the year 2000, changed it by adding some new varied and hand made meta to CS.
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CS CZ has been a source of entertainment for the players since its launch. The question is how? Well, it is because it is that style of multiplayer which rarely actually gets repetitive and uninteresting even if one plays it for decades.
Here are some of the reasons why CS Source is eternal:

One can simply never get accustomed to this game since it allows the gamers to customise it according to their experience and preferences. One of the main problems of this customisation is called "wallhacking". CS Source Hacks are the most exhilirating situation of mp FPS and the majority of the players have actually become the hackers by the time they are good at CS. Some may want to play CS on the base levels and the maps with which they are used to but the fact is that most of the advanced teams just want some different things to climax their interest in CS. LeagueCheats hacks works on WarGods, WarGodz, sXe injected, Esportal, GamersClub, EAC, Challengeme.gg, 99damage, FaceIT, SoStronk, PVPRO, GOLeague, ChallengerMode, FastCup CSGO, Akros, Valve Anti Cheat, VACNET, Gfinity, CEVO, ESL, FaceIT Server Side, SMAC, Kigens Anti Cheat, PopFlash, Kickback, and ZenGaming. CSS Hacks

So, gamers can build different maps for their own style or for their root servers. Isn't it cool that you play every match on all these maps and then people try to get skill with that particular level by practicing repeatedly via leet engagements. This in my opinion is the singular reason why people ever gets bored even after tons of gameplay.

The maps can be customized through multiple programs and software, which are one hundred percent free to use and one can be skilled in it by watching different tutorials. Most people know that CS Source came with a ton of maps but the statement is that it came only with some starter maps but over time the creators created some varied distinct maps on the Valve Hammer platform which the users have been installing them via different websites.

Another thing which is keeping Counter Strike Global Offensive new and exciting is the option to make your own listen server. One can make a separate root for their own teammates so that they can have some epic battles with each other or they can invite other alliances for a scrim. As referenced one can have a VPS AMD and will have a good experience in CS 1.6.

Lastly, there are also many epic sprays available which the users can paint and can spray them on the walls or anything else in the game. The spray logos maybe show the logo of the particular players or clans.

In other words customising Counter Strike Condition Zero was never fast and easy before. Now one can never get used to this iconic action game.

Also, any and all the FPS that have various modes definitely have several features that typically provide the teams with noteworthy moments spent using the personal computer. Whether you are

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